Enough is Enough

Luke 21 and 22

Day 33 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 20 and 21 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

Hey, just a note before we start today’s devotional. If you like the devotions I have been writing, please don’t forget I have a whole book of them. It is called Journey of a Lifetime. Click the link and check it out. I will be starting soon, on my next writing collection. I can’t wait to share it with you.

When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, should we strike with our swords?” And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him. (Luke 22:49-51)

I have noticed a disturbing trend lately. There is an endless barrage of scary videos on youtube, Instagram, and TikTok. These videos often have horrific acts of violence, rudeness, or hate being inflicted upon someone while others sit back and watch. When I see a video pop up in my feed, I often turn it off immediately. It turns my stomach to think of the people passively watching the degradation unfold.

These videos lead to many questions for me. First, why are there so many of these videos out there now? Second, why are so many people sitting around watching and not intervening? Finally, why am I watching at all?

Our fascination with violence in all forms is not new. Jesus was responding to this problem in the gospel reading today. The crowd gathered came expecting a spectacle, and they got one. Jesus chastised everyone involved.

When have you chosen violence (physical, emotional, or spiritual) to handle a problem? How can you make sure it does not happen again? Jesus is calling us to choose another way. Will you follow him or the crowd?

Don’t be Shy

Luke 19 and 20

Day 32 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 19 and 20 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

Hey, just a note before we start today’s devotional. If you like the devotions I have been writing, please don’t forget I have a whole book of them. It is called Journey of a Lifetime. Click the link and check it out. I will be starting soon, on my next writing collection. I can’t wait to share it with you.

I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.’ (Luke 19:21)

I want you to take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. Seriously, go ahead; I’ll wait. Did you do it yet? What are you waiting for? I am not writing anymore until you do it.

Ok, there you go. On top of the left-hand column, write the word “plus.” Then, on top of the right-hand column, write the word “minus.” Under the word plus, write down five gifts or talents you have. After you have finished that list, write down ten things you think you need to improve about yourself.

If you are like most people, the list of ten was much easier to come up with than the list of five. Why are we so hard on ourselves? We all have gifts, and we believe God gave them to us. So, why do we struggle to acknowledge them? The gifts we have been given are for the benefit of others. They are to make the world a better place. We should be thrilled to have them.
In today’s gospel reading, Jesus tells a parable that reminds us not to be afraid of the gist. We shouldn’t hide them from the world. The world needs them, and it is time to put these gifts to work.

Weight-Loss Guaranteed

Luke 17 and 18

Day 31 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 17 and 18 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

Hey, just a note before we start today’s devotional. If you like the devotions I have been writing, please don’t forget I have a whole book of them. It is called Journey of a Lifetime. Click the link and check it out. I will be starting soon, on my next writing collection. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” (Luke 17:4)

At last count, I have been trying to lose weight for about 50 years. Well, 50 years is an exaggeration. I know that shedding a few extra pounds is often on my mind. I am tired of the struggle; you know what I mean.
What if I could tell you a great way to lose weight right now, it is proven to be 100% effective. It is a simple 3 step process.

Step 1:
Think of someone who has hurt you somehow, and the pain remains.
Step 2:
Forgive them.
Step 3:
No, really forgive them.

Forgiveness is a funny thing. We all know we need to do it, but many of us struggle with it. There might be excellent reasons why we haven’t forgiven. Maybe they haven’t apologized or don’t accept what they have done. On the other hand, it could be that the pain is so great forgiveness seems impossible to you.

All the reasons might be valid, but they are still putting lots of weight on your shoulders to carry around. Forgiveness is not about the person you forgive but about you and God. Forgiveness frees you from worry, fear, and anger. It does not excuse what was done, and it does not stop consequences from happening to the person who has wronged you. It simply gives you breathing room and allows God to help heal you.

What do you think? Isn’t it time to lose some weight?

What’s it going to take?

Luke 15 and 16

Day 30 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 15 and 16 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

Hey, just a note before we start today’s devotional. If you like the devotions I have been writing, please don’t forget I have a whole book of them. It is called Journey of a Lifetime. Click the link and check it out. I will be starting soon, on my next writing collection. I can’t wait to share it with you.

“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” (Luke 16:31)

It might have been the 100th time; I am not really sure. I was being punished, again, for not cleaning my room. I sat on the bed and wondered why I was being treated “unfairly.” I wish I could go back to talk to young Larry as he sat on the bed that day. I might have saved him from a lifetime of problems.

After all, how many warnings did I need? Why wasn’t I listening? How many days would have been less problematic if I had learned to heed the warnings around me? Now I don’t mean I get in trouble for having a messy room now, but I do tend to make the same mistakes repeatedly. Am I alone?
In today’s gospel reading, we see evidence that missing the signs is something we all fall victim to at one point or another. For example, the rich man and his family had been warned their behavior was wrong. Yet, they continued living how they wanted, and the rich man didn’t like the repercussions.

What warnings are you missing? It’s time to pay attention.

Check It

Luke 13 and 14

Day 29 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 13 and 14 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

Hey, just a note before we start today’s devotional. If you like the devotions I have been writing, please don’t forget I have a whole book of them. It is called Journey of a Lifetime. Click the link and check it out. I will be starting soon, on my next writing collection. I can’t wait to share it with you.

“Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? (Luke 14:31)

“Some of my friends ended up in Las Vegas this weekend. It was a reunion for a group of us who had lived together in San Diego years ago. I couldn’t be there this weekend, but I have been reading their texts from the trip. Apparently, they had a good time. Well, except for Paul. Paul seems to have lost more money than he was planning on. But, it is Las Vegas, stuff happens there.

Knowing the odds of the various games you may play is vital in Las Vegas or Atlantic City. In today’s gospel reading, Jesus is also explaining the importance of knowing the odds in all of our life. For us as Christians, our odds are increased when we know God is on our side. When God is the one directing us and guiding us, we can be assured our odds of success are high.

Are you allowing God to guide your steps?

Figure it out

Luke 11 and 12

Day 28 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 11 and 12 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

Hey, just a note before we start today’s devotional. If you like the devotions I have been writing, please don’t forget I have a whole book of them. It is called Journey of a Lifetime. Click the link and check it out. I will be starting soon, on my next writing collection. I can’t wait to share it with you.

“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ (Luke 12:20)

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” We all heard this when we were younger. Many of us have asked these questions to others. Our answers may have been different, but we all had ideas. Some of us wanted to be surgeons or baseball players, and others wanted to be ballerinas and astronauts. We all had dreams. So what happened?

Well, life happened. We saw the difficulty of the world, and our dreams began to change. We got older, and our values started to change. We began to ask ourselves different questions. What is important to me? The answer may be money, security, peace, or happiness. But, again, our answers are going to be different.

In today’s gospel reading, we are given a warning. Don’t be like the foolish rich man. Value the things that last and are eternal. Possessions can be lost. What truly can last, and what truly matters? The gospel today points us to relationships with God and each other. These relationships are the currency that truly has value.

On my side

Luke 9 and 10

Day 27 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 9 and 10 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

“Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.” (Luke 9:50)

Will you know when it is the last time? Every time you see someone or talk to someone, it can be the final time you ever do that. Life changes rapidly, and relationships are constantly changing as well. People close to you in one season may not be as close in another. Yet, it doesn’t mean those people are now enemies; it simply means things have changed for now.

In today’s reading, Jesus told the disciples to keep their eyes open. He wanted them to know people would come in and go out of their lives. When people did this, it didn’t mean they were enemies. Instead, Jesus encouraged them to see these people as friends still. There was no need to create friction where it didn’t exist.

What season are you in today? Who do you see coming and going in your life? Have you made peace with the transitions as they happen? Enjoy each encounter as it may be your last with the people you are with. Leave nothing important unsaid. Seasons are changing.

What do you See?

Luke 7 and 8

Day 26 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 7 and 8 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

John’s disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them,  he sent them to the Lord to ask, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” (Luke 7:18-19)

I had doubts just like any kid would. How was it possible for a guy to travel all around the world in one day? The possibility of this being the truth seemed slim. Yet, my aunts tried to convince me one Christmas morning. They each held up a present that had a tag from Santa. My aunts both said that no one in the house sent the gifts. Could it be true? After all, I needed proof I was correct.

What kind of proof do you need to convince yourself of anything? This is the question John the Baptist was wrestling with in today’s gospel reading. He sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah. Instead, Jesus told them to look around and see what has been happening. Healings and other miracles were signs that the kingdom was near. Jesus was, in fact, who they were waiting for after all.
Can you see the signs of the kingdom around you today? What do you see?

Your choice

Luke 5 and 6

Day 25 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 5 and 6 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

“Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” (Luke 5:12c)

When I had my last project to finish at Drew University several years ago, I remember staring at the blinking icon for a long time. I didn’t feel like writing anything. I was tired and grumpy. It has been a long process, and it was nearly finished. It was fun, challenging, and educational; however, I had a straightforward thought. Can’t it be over?

The question was never whether I could write the paper for the project, it was simply whether I was going to. Finally, I had to decide if the effort was worth it. After all, the project was done. I learned what I had to learn. Now, it was simply about completing the work, finishing the courage, and earning the degree.

I eventually started typing. An interesting thing happened to me, though, during the writing. I learned more! The project was over, but there was still things I could learn. It was a good reminder that learning is never really over. Sometimes the lesson is as simple as a reminder of what it feels like to complete a project.

Jesus was approached by a man who knew that Jesus could heal him. All he needed was for Jesus to be willing to perform a miracle. Jesus didn’t spend any time at all looking at a blinking icon. Jesus wanted to heal the man, and he did. A lot of good work needs to be done in this world. What we need is people willing to do the job.
Are you willing?

Can’t Stop Now

Luke 3 and 4

Day 24 – 45 Days through the Gospel

Before Reading today’s devotional, please take time to read Luke 1 and 2 (link above)

We are continuing our 45-day journey through the Gospels. We will be reading two chapters a day. I encourage you to join us and invite others to do this with us.

And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea. ( Luke 4:34)

I just finished my devotional for today when I accidentally deleted it. I grew more frustrated as I tried to recover it but couldn’t. Here I am trying to rewrite a devotion about doing the work you must do no matter what. It’s ironic in a way. I now don’t feel like writing the devotional anymore, but it has to get done.

Today’s devotional may be a reminder for me. Some days there will be reasons and excuses not to accomplish what needs to be done. Yet, choices must be made, and things still need to happen. Will I do what is required today, or will I find reasons not to get it done? In today’s gospel reading, Jesus was pressed by people to stay with =them. It would have been more comfortable and relaxing, but Jesus has more people to reach. He had to go.
What do you need to get done today? Will you let the excuses stop you? Let’s go! We have things to do.

If you like the devotions I have been writing, please don’t forget I have a whole book of them. It is called Journey of a Lifetime. Click the link and check it out.