Watch out

January 31, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 15

Luke 20:20 – Luke 24:12

It was the next to last game of the year of my freshmen year when my dream of turning pro ended. Our first-year football team was undefeated and was handling things once again. It was late in the 3rd quarter, and we were on defense. The team we were playing had one incredible player. He was about 6′ 4″ and pushing 300 pounds.

This player had been a problem all day. He played offensive tackle, and I had not had to tangle with him all day for the most part. I was a skinny 5’10” defensive end weighing about 125 pounds. On this particular running play, I had gotten knocked to the ground and stood up just in time to see this giant of a person heading to me. To say that he blocked me would be a mischaracterization of what happened. He walloped me so hard that I can still feel it on cold winter mornings.

I am not sure that he knocked me out, but I know my next memory was standing on the sideline, unsure what was going on. Everything was a blur, and I wasn’t sure what to do. Life can be like that at times. We can face something that challenges us and makes us question what to do next. We see Peter feeling just like that at the end of today’s scripture reading.

Peter has gone to the tomb where he believed that Jesus’ body was. The women had given a crazy report, and Peter went to investigate. “Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened.”

Peter wasn’t run over by a giant football player, but he was still feeling battered. What was going on? Where was Jesus? Everything seemed to be going out of control. Have you ever been there? Looking at the world and wondering where was Jesus? The reality for us is that we know something that Peter didn’t quite realize at that point.

Jesus was alive. Death did not defeat him.

When things are going off course, they will; have faith. Know that Jesus is alive and in control.

What Matters

January 29, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 13

Luke 15:1 – Luke 20:19

I believe there is one sport where I could become an Olympic champion. This is the little-known sport of grocery bag carrying. When I come home from the grocery store, I open the trunk and survey the bags. Then, I look at the path into the house and see how best to navigate. The next step is the most important. I have to gather all the bags in my hands, be able to shut the trunk and leave nothing behind. This is not the sport for amateurs. It can get very tricky.

Once the bags are in my hands, I still have to navigate into the house. This will often include opening the door. It is one of the hardest skillsets left. Often it requires readjusting bags or letting one of the bags go! Which one should be dropped is always the question. You can’t drop a bag that has eggs, bread, or anything else fragile. So which do I let go?

This is precisely the question that a certain ruler had to wrestle with in today’s reading. Jesus was sharing how this man could inherit eternal life. The man had been following the law, but now Jesus said that there was more. He needed to let go of his wealth and give it to the poor. If he could do that, then he would have eternal life. “When Jesus heard this, he said to him, ‘You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ “(Luke 18:22)

The man couldn’t do it. Jesus was not saying that wealth keeps us out. It was the man’s heart. He valued things more than relationship. He valued wealth more than God. He loved what he could acquire more than people. What is blocking you from God? What is stopping you from living fully into relationship with God and others? Maybe it is fear, worry, or doubt. It may be the pursuit of money. Whatever it may be, It is time to let go.

What do you need?

January 28, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 12

Luke 11:1 – Luke 14:72

I think that I have figured out what is wrong with us. We have all taken the maxim, “he who dies with the most toys wins,” to be the gospel truth. The world has seemingly decided that what matters most is stuff. The more we have, the better.

The question to ask then is, how much is enough?
How much money do we need?
How big a house is enough?
How much?

Jesus’ words in today’s reading are an attempt to recalibrate how we view the world. The line “Give us each day our daily bread” is from what we know as the Lord’s prayer, which is found in Luke 11. It is a reminder that we need to trust God to provide not what we want but what we need. Trusting God’s provision is how we can move away from our need for more.

Trust God to provide and know that God’s grace is more than enough for us.

This is the spot

January 27, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 11

Luke 7:18 – Luke 10:42

Several years ago, there was an attack on a mosque in New Zealand. For me, it was a painful reminder that there is still so much hate in the world. It was another story about another group of people who were attacked because of their beliefs. It hurt me to read it. As I was sitting there feeling helpless, I remembered a local mosque nearby.

I thought about those people who read about this attack and what they must be wrestling with that day. I knew that there was something that we could do. I asked my church on Sunday to sign some cards that I had put in the back of the church to let the folks of the local mosque know that we were thinking about them and praying for them. On that following Monday morning, I asked a congregation member who had a florist shop if he could deliver the cards and some flowers to the mosque from our church.

It was a simple gesture. It wasn’t going to change the world, but I was trying to bring some comfort. The mosque received the flowers and cards and sent their thanks. For the most part, that was the end of the story, except for a few lone voices. I heard some feedback from folks who did not like what we did. They had many excuses, but I honestly could not process them. I was stunned. How could this simple act be controversial?

When bad things happen, I like to think, “we are better than this”, but too often that is not the case at all. If we are really better than this, we have to start acting that way. It is time for us right here and right now to be better. Change is going to happen when we make changes. Hate will not have the loud voice it does when we speak love and justice even louder.

In today’s reading, Jesus runs into opposition to people from Samaria. A couple of his disciples do not like that and respond by saying, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?”(Luke 9:54) Their response to hate seems to be more hate. Jesus rebukes them for their attitude. Maybe it is time for people to rebuke and call out the hate that we see in the world, no matter where it is coming from.
Let’s start here. Let’s start now.

Who are you following?

January 26, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 10

Luke 3:1 – Luke 7:17

I learned a precious lesson early in my life. I was one of several kids assigned to push the milk cart from class to class to sell milk to students during recess. It was an easy task and a great way to get out of class for a little while each day.

One day when we were bringing the milk cart back to the storage room, one of the other kids I was with climbed up into the loft and found the candy that we would be selling for the annual candy drive. He offered it all to us. We hesitated for a moment, but we all thought the same thing, JACKPOT! We all knew better, but the pull of those giant candy bars was just too much for us. We took a couple and went on our way.

We got caught and ended up in detention. I thought about that candy when I was reading today’s scripture, Jesus is standing with a group of people and asks this question, “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?” The lesson that I learned that day was to be careful who you follow. Who is leading you through your life? Where are you getting advice and leadership from?

Trust God and keep your eyes open to who and what is influencing you.

Not finished with you yet

January 25, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 9

Mark 15:1 – Luke 2:52

Every once in a while, I need some reassurance. It could be in my professional or personal life. There have been days at work and in my personal life where I feel in over my head. On those occasions, I feel as if I may never be the person I am supposed to be. Yet, today I got some reassurance.

The reassurance came in the form of the last sentence of today’s scripture reading. “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” As I read these words this morning, I was filled with hope. I was reminded, once again, that God is not done with me yet. God is still working on me, helping me become the person I was created to be. The work that was done in Jesus is being done in me as well. Its being to you as well.

No matter how dark it may seem, the light is coming. So keep pressing forward and know that God will come through for you.

Can they tell?

January 24, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 8

Mark 11:1 – Mark 14:72

There comes a moment in every courtroom drama that we get to see if the jury has decided that the defendant is innocent or guilty. The jury has listened to the evidence and has seen the defendant respond. The tension has been building, and it is now time to hear the verdict.

In today’s reading, Peter is being questioned about his relationship with Jesus. Several people seem convinced that Peter was with Jesus. Yet, Peter continues to deny that he had anything to do with Jesus. Well, he did up until the cock crowed, and he remembered what Jesus had said.

 Again he denied it. After a little while, those standing near said to Peter, “Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean.” He began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know this man you’re talking about.” Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.” And he broke down and wept.

It made me wonder. If I was on one of the courtroom dramas and being accused of being a follower of Jesus, would I be convicted? Could anyone tell by the way I lived? Is there anyone who could testify to what I did that proved my faith?

Would the jury know that I am a follower of Jesus?

Would they know that you are?

Let’s live like disciples today?

Ugh…again? Yes, sir!

January 23, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 7

Mark 1:29 – Mark 6:44

We have my youngest son and his wife living with us for a little while. For the most part, it hasn’t changed much in our lives. One thing that has changed, though, is refrigerator space. There are so many more leftovers in our fridge now. Most of them are takeout containers. It has made grocery shopping a little challenging.

It seems as if they love to eat out but aren’t so fond of eating any leftovers. So they pile up during the course of the week. I am not a huge fan of leftovers either. So I can’t blame them. Yet, there are some that I am highly interested in. We read about them in the scripture today.

“They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish”  (Mark 6:42-43).

These leftovers were after Jesus had fed over 5,000 people with just a few fish and loaves of bread. There was plenty more left. This story to me, is always one that helps me remember God’s abundant grace. Our God is not a God of scarcity. God provides for us daily, and all we need to do is to look around and see.

Can you see God’s grace today?

Let’s get going

January 22, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 6

Matthew 25:31 – Mark 1:28

I remember the moment when I realized how the world had changed. One of our kids asked me when I had to leave. “Quarter to five” was my answer. The look that I received was one of confusion. They had no concept of what that time actually was. I thought about it for a little while, and I realized they didn’t learn how to tell time as I did.

We were in a time of digital clocks now. Now, if I would have told them 4:45, they would have understood. But the concept of quarter hours was something that they never needed to be instructed on. It makes me laugh, even now, to think about that moment.

In today’s reading, Jesus says to the crowd, “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) It is a reminder to us all that no matter that time matters. The kingdom is all around us, and we need to share that message. Yet, for some reason, we often hesitate.

There is always some reason that we put it off. The time isn’t right for us for some reason. Yer, Jesus seems to be saying that the time is always correct. Go share the story. Go live that story out. It’s time.


January 21, 2022

45 New Testament Reading Challenge

Day 5

Matthew 21:1 – Matthew 25:30

Let’s be honest with each other. We all need reminders at times. We need to know that we matter. We need to know that we count. We need to know that our lives have meaning. It’s a simple thing, really, and a mighty one.

So today, let these words from Jesus be the start of that reminder.

 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35

Jesus wants us to know that the words of God the very Word of God, is eternal. So what are the words and Word of God that he is referencing? All of them.

So my friends, when we read that “For God so loved the world”, know that means you. When we read the words “I have been remarkably and wonderfully made”, this also means you. Guess what else, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” This is for you as well.

These are just a few affirmations that the Bible tells us about God and ourselves.

You ARE loved.

You DO matter.

This is your reminder!